The world cannot solely be told through a western lens.
FIELDS revolves around activists & change-makers. We discuss global issues through a multicultural perspective. Our stories serve to inspire change amongst communities. Each month, we explore a specific theme, feature long-form reports, interviews, and photo stories. With outstanding image quality and an innovative art direction, FIELDS is as smart as it is beautiful.
Print Editions
Is banana sexy? Is banana racist?
Upon its arrival in the United States and Europe, bananas rapidly formed an ubiquitous presence not only in the twentieth century marketplace, but also in popular culture.
Elom 20ce, l’arctiviste
Son dernier album Indigo propose 15 titres aux influences traditionnelles et jazzy qui s’écoutent en continu. Un disque vintage sous la forme d’un vinyle, dans lequel le rappeur togolais rend hommage « aux petites gens qu’on ne considère pas ». Plus qu’un artiste, il se présente comme un arctiviste, néologisme d’un mouvement trait d’union entre art et activisme dont il se réclame. Portrait.
The Dark Matter Project
The project is about documenting the African culture, beauty and fashion. It’s a project with a good friend and stylist Bryan Emry and we collaborate with fashion designers to shoot creatively. It is about documenting the beauty of being black. We have grown up believing that being beautiful is being light skin and women keep trying to make themselves lighter to conform to the perceptions in society. I try to tell stories of being black and proud and how much beauty we have. The Melanin Thing!!
À Abidjan, l'Allocodrome de Cocody est un des hauts lieux de la "Food culture" à l'ivoirienne. Une grande cour, des bâtisses qui hébergent les cuisines, des chaises en plastique et des tables : simple, mais tellement efficace.
Bryant Terry, power to the people
He fights for justice and his weapons are fruits and vegetables, seasonal products and farm-fresh ingredients. The reputed chef and author, whose books promote a new approach to African-American cuisine, is an Afro-Vegan - according to the title of his last publication. The current chef-in-residence at the San Francisco Museum of the African Diaspora, talks about his struggle for food justice and his inspirations : from the Black Panther to Senegalese chef Pierre Thiam.
Polyglot, a creative way to exist
Amelia and Amanda are sisters. They are 24 and 21 years old. Amelia Umuhire is the filmmaker and the director of the web-series Polyglot. Amanda Mukasonga a.k.a. Babiche Papaya is the protagonist. They are Rwandan and German and much more. They speak German, Kinyarwanda, English and French.
Ingrid Silva: “being a black ballerina, I am breaking through barriers”
She started ballet dancing when she was eight-years-old in Mangueira, a favela of Rio de Janeiro.
She did so following her mother's advice to channel her energy through sport. Today Ingrid is a 26-year -old professional ballerina with goals as high as New York City's skyline. She moved to the big apple when she was 18 to join the Dance Theatre of Harlem and has been dancing with the troupe ever since.
Rodney Saint-Éloi n’est pas né du bon côté de la barrière
Cette séparation de la planète est aussi d’ordre sémantique, puisque l’on parle d’immigrants pour ceux qui viennent du Sud et d’expatriés pour les Occidentaux…
Tout est dans le langage. Il est fondamental d’interroger les clichés du discours social. Nous, nous sommes des immigrants. Du Nord au Sud, eux sont des expatriés, des coopérants, des humanitaires, des développeurs… Alors que les pays du Sud ont besoin de tout sauf de développeurs.
Serge Aimé Coulibaly : “Mon travail, c’est le rêve.”
'aimerais savoir ce qui t'a amené à faire la danse comme activité artistique.
C'est la danse qui est venue à moi. Je voulais faire du théâtre. Moi je voulais devenir comédien. Je suis entré dans une compagnie ici au Burkina Faso, la Compagnie Feren, qui était professionnelle. Sauf que là le mot théâtre voulait dire chant, danse, etc
Germaine Acogny : “Pour moi la danse c’est la liberté”
La danseuse, chorégraphe et fondatrice de l’Ecole des Sables au Sénégal raconte son parcours et ce qu’elle souhaite transmettre à travers son travail.
“I find it outrageous to call into question my French authenticity”
Actress, film director, journalist and soon to be back on the benches of university, Amandine Gay is also a black feminist. Relocated recently to Montreal, the 30-year-old political artist summarises her native France in these terms: "A country of denial." An eloquent and smiling activist who faces challenges head on. Speak up/ Make your Way is the title of her documentary film which will be shown during Black History Month in Montreal.
De Guantanamo à Montevideo
Six hommes, quatre Syriens, un Tunisien et un Palestinien, détenus depuis plus de dix ans, sont arrivés en décembre 2014 et tentent de s’insérer en Uruguay.
Building an African city, part by part
In Africa it is expected that 900 million additional people will move into urban areas or cities in the next 4 decades. Considering that the current population of China is 1.4 billion and that of India 1.3 billion, how African cities will house future generations has become a critical question.